- Whitespace active
- Well-formatted markup
- Follows CSS conventions
- Integrates Ruby code
- Implements Rails templates with the .haml extension
- it is elegant
We can use gem or plugin
1)install gem :
sudo gem install haml
2)install plugin:
ruby script/plugin install git clone git://github.com/nex3/haml.git
save files with extension .haml
Let's look at the HAML: index.html.haml
%h1 Hello to you all
%p This is a test page
A '%' symbol creates an HTML tag. 2 spaces are used to indent the code into sub-elements and we need not to specify end tags.so that reducing so many lines code.
I tried to post examples with brief introduction, but the blog site seems to be not supporting html tags.
There is a lot more to learn check these References: